Friday, March 13, 2009

The 21st of December 2012 isn't the end of the world.


Please read this to learn of the basic theory:


Let's get one thing straight before you start reading; the world is NOT going to end. The theories which have been proposed are ridiculous & are just excuses to cause panic. Don't listen to them.

"The Mayan calendar is divided into Seven Ages of Man. The fourth epoch ended in August 1987. The Mayan calendar comes to an end on Sunday, December 23, 2012."
(Some argue that it's December 21, but neither is the end of the world.)

From this some people assumed that the world was going to end, (a rather bold assumption) claiming that the Mayan's have predicted the end of the world with their uncanny powers & wit. (A rather bold claim, also.)

Others do not concentrate on the Mayan calendar's ending but still insist that the world will end, claiming such disasters as asteroids, comets, UFO's, tsunamis - and one which I will talk about in detail - pole shifting.

Basically, every 26,000 years, the magnetic poles at the ends of the earth stir, and move.
People say that this will cause immense pressure near the crust of the earth & all life will be crushed. This is not so.
Pole shift has happened before - and without any much tragedy. The only way that it could cause damage to life is if the pole shift is rushed un-naturally, which there is very little chance of happening. Also, theorists say that the pole shift will begin on the 21st of December 2012, but in fact it is already happening! There IS NO UNIQUE LINK BETWEEN THE POLE SHIFT & THE 21st OF DECEMBER, besides the fact that the pole shift will be happening on that day like it is today - without causing any damage.

We've heard apocolypse theories before. They've never come true. And they most likely, never will.

Don't believe what you hear. The world will go on. The world is NOT going to end in December 2012 - and stop saying that it is.